The easy way to share old photos with Facebook friends.

Scan with Stan - Java Applet

Or Scan with Stan - Windows

Hi, my name is Stan James, and for the past six years my dad and I have been scanning our family photos and other memorabilia. As a computer guy, I've been appalled that the software is so hard and complicated.

Scan-With-Stan is a simple program that scans your photo and uploads it to Facebook. I hope you find it useful!

Click the blue button above to get started.

Feedback or questions? Use the contact form.

A few of my Dad's 20,000+ photos are online, and you can view them here.

Here is a talk I gave at the 2011 Personal Digital Archiving conference in San Francisco, talking about what my dad and I have done.

Here is my dad explaining how and why he has done this scanning project.

I blog and have more information at

Everything here copyright by Stan James.